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Academic Catalog

Academic Catalog 2024-25

M465INT Faith Formation in a Changing World

Hicks or Robersmith (3 credits)

This course is designed to be a comprehensive introduction to ideas and practices that give Unitarian Universalist faith formation its meaning and purpose across the lifespan. Learners will explore the rich history of religious education/faith formation, making note of how formative educators shaped its philosophy; developed teaching strategies; explored the landscape of human and faith identity development.  Students will also investigate through contextual research in a congregation how these theories and models play out. The course is designed with attention to principles of anti-racism, anti-oppression and global/multicultural teaching and learning in mind.

MDiv required course.

Fall semester course

M467INT Multi-Racial Congregations as Faith Formation

Hicks (3 credits)

Using functioning multi-racial/multicultural congregations and organizations as texts, the course focuses on pedagogical and spiritual practices that attend to healing the wounds of cultural and spiritual oppression.  The course explores how the process and practice of faith formation promotes the ongoing development of multi-racial, multicultural and theologically diverse congregations and communities. Students should expect to use the lens of race and ethnicity to explore: a) the history and impact of race/ethnicity and language on congregational life; b) innovative practices that attune themselves to individual and group identity development; c) the intersection of “race” and faith formation education, pastoral care, religious traditions and music; and finally d) specific practices employed by professional staff and lay leadership in as a way to move toward Beloved Community. 

M494INT Pedagogy for Social Change: The Method is the Message

Hicks (3 credits)

This course explores how to strategically create learning experiences in light of how children, youth and adults learn and grow. Students should expect to grapple head-on with models of cognitive, faith and identity development in a multi-racial, multicultural world. The course is appropriate for directors of faith formation/religious education, ministers, religious educators and classroom teachers, professors, social workers, graduate students developing curriculum—any person interested in creating a learning community that deepens self-knowledge and a capacity for social change.

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