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Academic Catalog

Academic Catalog 2024-25

M483INT Introduction to Pastoral Ministry

Taylor or Staff (3 credits)

We will explore some practices of pastoral care and the vocation of pastoral ministry, considering the things that challenge us and the things that sustain us - including especially the faith traditions which shape us.

MDiv required course.

Spring semester course

M330 Ministry in Times of Crisis

Taylor (3 credits)

Faith leaders and communities play important roles as acute responders and long-term caregivers in times of communal crisis. When a community has experienced a significant crisis (natural or human-made) they benefit from the immediate and long-term care of informed faith communities. In this course we will explore the work of both congregational and community ministry immediately following a community crisis and as they provide the long-term care of recovery.

M487 Introduction to Chaplaincy

Staff (3 credits)

An introduction to the study of chaplaincy in a range of professional contexts.

Fall 2025

M350 Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE)

Prerequisite: Introduction to Pastoral Ministry

(6 credits)

CPE brings theological studies into supervised encounters with persons in crisis. Students develop new awareness of themselves as ministers and of the need of those they minister. Provides opportunity for theological reflection on human situations. For further explanation of Clinical Pastoral Education, see this page. MDiv students are required to complete Clinical Pastoral Education before enrolling in their internship and the second year Signature Courses.

MDiv requirement.

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