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Academic Catalog

Academic Catalog 2024-25

M491A MAR Capstone A

Staff (3 credits)

First semester of MAR Capstone work. By the conclusion of this term, the student will have a complete thesis or project proposal.

MAR Required course. MAR students only.

M491B MAR Capstone B

Staff (3 credits)

Second semester of MAR Capstone work. Students will build on completed thesis or project proposal to research and write thesis or project.

MAR Required course. MAR students only.

R525 Research Methods and Ethics

House (3 credits)

This course focuses on research methods in social justice leadership as well as the ethics of research. A special emphasis is placed on methods in social scientific research (such as ethnography) as well as library and archival research. Additionally, students will learn the history and processes associated with Institutional Review Boards (IRB) in higher education and will practice drafting an IRB proposal.

DMin required course.

Fall Semester course

R540 Leadership and Ministry Research Colloquy

Kirk (3 credits)

This course focuses on the development of a student’s research proposal, inclusive of problem statement, literature review, project methodology, content outline, and timeline to completion. Students will also identify thesis committee members. A particular emphasis is placed on writing and peer-to-peer review. Course is limited to second-year DMin students.

Spring Semester course

R600 Supervised Thesis Research I

Lassiter (3 credits)

This course provides a framework for student research on advanced questions of ministry and praxis. Students will conduct research, write a doctoral level thesis project, and defend their thesis project. Students will have the opportunity to workshop their material to internal and external audiences. Course is limited to third-year DMin students.

Fall Semester course

R601 Supervised Thesis Research II

Lassiter (3 credits)

This course provides a framework for student research on advanced questions of ministry and praxis. Students will conduct research, write a doctoral level thesis project, and defend their thesis project. Students will have the opportunity to workshop their material to internal and external audiences. Course is limited to third-year DMin students.

Spring semester course

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