House (3 credits)
This course serves as an introduction to ethics by examining key foundational ethical frameworks, discerning guideposts for ethical leadership, and thinking ethically about contemporary dilemmas in our current collective moment. Our conversations will cover a range of topics, including histories, sources, and norms in ethical traditions; the role of ethics for leaders; ethics in the context of interpersonal and communal relationships; ethical approaches to technology; and intersections of ethics and theology. Special attention will be given to exploring such ethical issues and their implications for ministry contexts.
MDiv and MAR required course.
Spring Semester course
Hogue (3 credits)
This required course in theology introduces students to an interdisciplinary and engaged way of doing theology that integrates aspects of liberal and liberationist theological traditions, attempts to bridge modern and postmodern philosophical sensibilities, and privileges orthopraxy over orthodoxy.
MDiv and MAR required course.
Fall Semester course
Dechant (3 credits)
This course is oriented around the idea that it is a civic responsibility and a professional duty for cultural and religious leaders to a) gain basic knowledge of diverse religious traditions, b) cultivate a theoretic religious imagination, and c) develop interreligious sensibilities and skills. The course assignments, readings, lectures, and discussions allow students to learn basic knowledge of several religious traditions, acquaint them with different theories of religion, and launch them into the lifelong work of developing interreligious leadership skills.
MDiv and MAR required course.
Spring Semester course
Hogue (3 credits)
This course explores diverse ways that theological, social, and political thought influence one another. Attention will be given in general to the mutual refractions of theopolitical and social ethical discourses in relation to questions of power, justice, and the shaping of common life.
DMin required course.
Fall Semester 2024, 2026
House (3 credits)
This course explores theories and theologies of liberation and practices from a wide diversity of contexts. We will investigate understandings of liberation and freedom as they orient individuals, inform movements, and guide institutional and organizational bodies.
DMin required course. Pre-req for non-doctoral students: Grounding.
Spring Semester 2024, 2026
Straube (3 credits)
This course will provide students with a broad introduction to the most important traditions within the global religion known as Buddhism. Students will be introduced to Theravada or Classical Buddhism, Zen Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism and the emerging convert Buddhism of the West, through reading and discussion. They will also be introduced to other important Buddhist traditions such as the Pure Land tradition.
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