After beginning a search and returning results, there are many options to refine those results and limit by certain parameters in the Refine Results menu. Note that the current search terms and limiters will be listed at the top of the Refine Results menu. As limiters are selected and added, the Current Search box will update.
Limit To
Full Text: Mark this checkbox to limit results to articles with full text, as opposed to solely citation information and/or abstract. This can be an important limiter as it returns only the articles that can be read/downloaded immediately in PDF or HTML format. If this limit is unchecked, results will include articles that only have the citation information available in Atla and the full-text will need to be requested via interlibrary loan. In the results list, full-text articles will have a PDF or HTML icon visible.
Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals: Mark this checkbox to limit search results to articles from peer-reviewed journals. Peer-reviewed journals are publications that include only those articles that have been reviewed and/or qualified by a selected panel of acknowledged experts in the field of study covered by the journal.
Open Access: Mark this checkbox to limit results to articles from open access publications. Open access refers to a set of principles and practices through which articles and other research outputs are distributed online, free of cost or other access barriers. Conventional (non-open access) journals pay for publishing costs by charging fees for access, like subscriptions, site licenses, or pay-per-view charges. Open-access journals use funding models which do not require the reader (or the library providing the service) to pay to read the journal's contents.
Publication Date: Enter a date range or use the sliders to limit results to a specific time of publication. It is generally recommended for students to look for recent scholarship, usually within 10 years of the search year.
Selecting "Show More" in the Limit To menu will display the full array of refinement options for an Advanced Search.
Source Types: The most common source type in Atla is academic journal articles, but the database also indexes resources like book reviews and essays. Use the check boxes to limit your results to one or more source type. The result list should automatically update and parameters added to the Current Search.
Subject: Atla uses subject headings to describe the topics covered by articles in the database. Mark the checkbox(es) to limit your search results to those subject areas. Subjects are listed in descending order based on number of times the subject heading is applied to articles in the results.
Publication: The journal an article was published in can indicate the focus or structure of the piece based on that journal's emphasis. Mark the checkbox(es) to limit your search results to specific journals.
1. Select the hyperlinked article title to open its full, detailed bibliographic record. Options for saving, printing, emailing and more tools are available from the detailed record.
2. Hover over the magnifying glass icon to view a brief version of the article's record. This generally includes title, author, publication, publication type, subjects, and an abstract if one is available.
3. Select the file folder "Add to Folder" icon to save the article to a research folder. Saved resources can be accessed by selecting the filled "Folder" icon in the top right menu in Atla.
4. Select the "PDF Full Text" icon to open the full text article to read online or download. Some articles will have a similar icon for "HTML Full Text" of the article:
5. Select the "Share" dropdown box to add search results to a folder, create email or RSS feed alerts for the search, and copy/paste a persistent link to the article.
Open and Save Full Text
From an article's detailed record, select the "PDF Full Text" link to open the PDF to read online or download to save/print:
Tools Menu
Use the Tools menu to the left of an article's detailed record to perform the following actions:
1. Add to folder: Select the file folder "Add to Folder" icon to save the article to a research folder. Saved resources can be accessed by selecting the filled "Folder" icon in the top right menu in Atla.
2. Print: Select the printer "Print" icon to print (or print to PDF) the article's citation in a generic format, or a specific citation style. This is just the citation, not the full text article.
3. E-mail: Select the envelope "E-mail" icon to e-mail yourself or a colleague the article's citation and the full-text PDF as a separate attachment, if available. If the e-mail doesn't arrive, check your junk/spam folder as these e-mails sometimes get routed there.
4. Save: Select the floppy disk "Save" icon to save the article's citation in a generic format, or a specific citation style. This is just the citation, not the full text article.
5. Cite: Select the document "Cite" icon to view and copy/paste the article citation in any standard citation format.
6. Export: Select the arrow "Export" icon to save or export the article citation directly to a citation manager.
7. Create Note: Select the post-it "Create Note" icon to add and save a note to the detailed record. Notes can be printed along with the citation.
8. Permalink: Select the chain link "Permalink" icon to generate and copy/paste a persistent link to the article record.
Hyperlinked Terms
Descriptive metadata terms are hyperlinked in Atla records. Select a term to open a results list of articles that share that attribute: the same author, same publication, same subject heading, etc.
Read articles from Atla in the PDF online reader, or make use of the menus in the reader to download, make notes, print, or save the article. An abbreviated version of the Tools menu from the results list appears to the right of the article:
The online reader's "Inside This Work: Full Text Contents" menu allows users to navigate to other full-text articles in the same issue as the article being viewed. Academic journals frequently ascribe an overarching theme or focus to published issues, so accessing these additional, related articles can be an effective research strategy:
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