The following information is from the Accessibility Statement for EBSCO New UI.
Compatibility with browsers and assistive technology
EBSCO New UI is designed to be compatible with the following assistive technologies:
EBSCO New UI may not be fully compatible with:
Accessibility of EBSCO New UI relies on the following technologies to work with the particular combination of web browser and any assistive technologies or plugins installed on your computer:
These technologies are relied upon for conformance with the accessibility standards used.
Additional accessibility features
In the event you locate an article in Atla needed for your research that is not available immediately in full-text, contact the Wiggin Library to request a copy through interlibrary loan.
A link to submit an interlibrary loan request is available when working in Atla RDB with Atlas PLUS in the left menu, "Meadville Lombard Wiggin Library Links." Include the full citation details (title, author, publication, date, volume, issue number, page numbers) to ensure the correct article is requested on your behalf.
Meadville Lombard Wiggin Library
180 N. Wabash Ave.
Suite 625
Chicago, IL 60601
Library and Archives Phone: 312-546-6488 Library Email: Archives Email: