If your paper includes an original idea, concept, or quotation that you learned from an instructor's lecture, you must cite it!
#. Lecturer’s firstname lastname, “Title of Lecture,” Course # and Name (class lecture, institution, place, date).
#. Michael S. Hogue, “Practicing Climate Justice,” Cosmos and Ethos: Climate Justice and Theology (class lecture, Meadville Lombard Theological School, April 7, 2017).
Shortened footnote
#. Lecturer’s lastname, “Shortened Title.”
#. Hogue, “Practicing Climate Justice.”
Lecturer’s lastname, firstname. “Title of Lecture.” Course # and Name. Class lecture at institution, place, date.
Hogue, Michael S. “Practicing Climate Justice.” Cosmos and Ethos: Climate Justice and Theology. Class lecture at Meadville Lombard Theological School, April 7, 2017.
While you may not submit the same paper for two or more assignments without your instructors' permission, you can quote and paraphrase your earlier papers. Building off your earlier work in later papers can be a great way of developing research. However, any final paper that you have submitted for grading is, in a sense, published; you therefore must cite such earlier works.
#. Your firstname lastname, “Title of your paper,” Course # and Name (paper, institution, place, date).
#. Julitta Smith, “The Role of Women in the History of the UU Society of Schenectady,” H394INT Unitarian Universalist History and Polity (paper, Meadville Lombard Theological School, April 16, 2021).
Shortened footnote
#. Your lastname, “Shortened Title.”
#. Smith, “The Role of Women.”
Your lastname, firstname. “Title of your paper.” Course # and Name. Paper, institution, place, date.
Smith, Julitta. “The Role of Women in the History of the UU Society of Schenectady.” H394INT Unitarian Universalist History and Polity. Paper, Meadville Lombard Theological School, April 16, 2021.
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