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Library and Archive Policies


Both Meadville Lombard patrons and patrons from other institutions have library privileges at the Wiggin Library. This section provides an overview of which patron goups are eligible for consortial privileges and what those privileges entail.

Meadville Lombard Patrons using Consortial Resources and Services

I-Share. Meadville Lombard graduate students, faculty, and staff must have their Meadville Lombard Theological School ID and library barcode in order to check out books in person at I-Share libraries. Patrons should check the policies at individual libraries for more information about their borrowing and use policies. 

Association of Chicago Theological Schools (ACTS). Meadville Lombard graduate students, faculty, and staff must have an ACTS card in order to check out books at other ACTS libraries. Eligible patrons should request an ACTS card from library staff. A list of ACTS libraries can be found on the ACTS website. Patrons should check the policies at individual libraries for more information about borrowing policies.

Chicago Area Theological Library Association (CATLA) Reciprocal borrowing is one of CATLA’s founding principles. However, no formal borrowing agreement exists. Meadville Lombard graduate students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to contact the other member libraries whose resources they wish to use to ensure that the other libraries offer borrowing privileges to CATLA members. More information about CATLA and a full list of the CATLA member libraries can be found on the CATLA website. Patrons should check with individual libraries for more information about their borrowing policies.

American Theological Library Association (Atla). Meadville Lombard Library and Archives is a proud participant in the ATLA Reciprocal Borrowing Program, which connects Meadville Lombard graduate students, faculty, and staff with theological libraries across the country. Wiggin Library users with proof of current enrollment can visit a library at a seminary near them and use that library’s resources. For more information about the ATLA Reciprocal Borrowing Program and a full list of participating libraries, visit Reciprocal Borrowing page of the Atla website. Patrons should check with individual libraries for more information about their borrowing policies.

University of Chicago. Meadville Lombard graduate students, faculty, and staff have borrowing privileges at the University of Chicago libraries as part of the Hyde Park Seminaries. Users must have a valid Meadville Lombard ID card and a current ACTS card, and will need to contact the ID & Privileges office ahead of visiting. For more information, see the Visitors to the Library page of the UC website. 

Consortial Patrons using Meadville Lombard Resources and Services

All Consortial Patrons. Consortial Patrons cannot use circulation by mail options. To access Wiggin Library resources at a distance, they must request material through I-Share or OCLC Interlibrary Loan through their home library.  All Consortial Patrons must adhere to borrowing responsibilities as described in Circulation section of this policy guide, and are responsible for fees and lost book costs, as described in Fees and Account Blocks. Consortial Patrons do not have access to digital resources provided by Meadville Lombard.

I-Share. Patrons from other I-Share libraries can check out all available material in the Main Stacks in person or online. For in person circulation, I-Share patrons must present their valid school ID with their home-library assigned barcode in order to check out books. I-Share patrons can visit the library during the open hours posted on the library website or by appointment.

  • Borrowing Privileges: Unlimited number of books checked out at a time from the Main Stacks for 4 weeks each, with renewals up to 4 months. 

Association of Chicago Theological Schools (ACTS). Patrons from ACTS libraries can check out all available material in the Main Stacks in person. They must present a valid ACTS card in order to check out books. ACTS patrons can visit the library during the open hours posted on the library website or by appointment. If an ACTS patron is also an I-Share patron, it is preferred they use their I-Share account to check out books.

  • Borrowing Privileges: Up to 20 books checked out at a time from the Main Stacks for 4 weeks each, with renewals up to 4 months. 

American Theological Library Association (Atla). Patrons from libraries that participate in the Atla Reciprocal Borrowing Program can check out all available material in the Main Stacks. They must present a valid school ID in order to check out books. Atla patrons can visit the library during the open hours posted on the library website or by appointment.

  • Borrowing Privileges: Up to 20 books checked out at a time from the Main Stacks for 4 weeks each, with renewals up to 4 months. 

University of Chicago. Patrons from the University of Chicago patrons can check out all available material in the Main Stacks in person. They must present a valid University of Chicago ID in order to check out books. University of Chicago patrons can visit the library during the open hours posted on the library website or by appointment.

  • Borrowing Privileges: Up to 20 books checked out at a time from the Main Stacks for 4 weeks each, with renewals up to 4 months. 

Meadville Lombard Wiggin Library
180 N. Wabash Ave.
Suite 625 
Chicago, IL 60601

Library and Archives Phone: 312-546-6488        Library Email:        Archives Email: