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Library Support For Faculty Teaching : Using the Archives

The archive can be an excellent resource for courses whose emphasis intersect with the material held by the Meadville Lombard Archive. While the archive is typically used for history classes, it has also been used effectively in theology and religious education classes as well. Email the archive at to get started. 

Archive Overview

Meadville Lombard has over 400 physical and digital archival collections, with topics ranging from Puritanism to Paganism and everything in between. Our emphasis is liberal religion in the west, 20th century Unitarian Universalism, and communities underserved and excluded by traditional archives. We are particularly proud of our UUA Congregational Records, which tell the story of every Unitarian, Universalist, and Unitarian Universalist congregation from the 1920s to the 1990s.

Common Uses

  • Structured Usage Library staff will work with you to select specific archival material that supports the course. Students will receive an archive orientation and can access the selected archival material in small groups. Often times, this is connected to a group project where students report back their findings from the archive material to the class. 
  • Unstructured Usage As part of an assignment, students can use archive material to support a research paper or group presentation. Students will receive an orientation and can engage in archival research during class time, or schedule time individually outside of class.
  • Show and Tell Faculty can request specific archival material and artifacts to be used in class. 

Talk with a Librarian

If you have any questions, just ask! Librarians are here to help.

Archive Usage Beyond History Classes

While the archive is commonly used for history courses, faculty have incorporated archive material into other types of courses. Rare books have been used in theology courses and religious education classes have used our historical religous education material. Reach out to archives staff if you think the archive can be of use to you. 

Meadville Lombard Wiggin Library
180 N. Wabash Ave.
Suite 625 
Chicago, IL 60601

Library and Archives Phone: 312-546-6488        Library Email:        Archives Email: