There are two/three things you must do to before you start researching your thesis/project:
A thesis/project proposal is a short essay laying out what you intend to study for your thesis/project that you will submit to your advisor(s). It typically includes a bibliography of potential works you may utilize (your final bibliography in your thesis will of course be much bigger), and as such it involves some background research. A proposal is partially a formality: your advisor(s) should already be generally aware of what you intend to study before you submit your proposal because you should have already been talking to them about it! With that in mind, talk with your advisor(s) to see what they want you to cover, how long they want it to be, and when they want it submitted.
Check out the following articles for more advise:
If your thesis research involves studying living human subjects, then you must get approval from the MLTS Institutional Review Board (IRB) before you begin your research. For more information, please see our IRB website.
Writing a thesis or project can be daunting, particularly if you have never done anything like it before. If it is any solace, you are not alone! Here are a few observations from someone who has gone through the process on how to find and pick a good thesis/project topic:
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