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Sankofa Special Collection: Print Resources

While the Sankofa Special Collection primarily deals with archival material, the Steering Committee works with the Wiggin Libary to curate print resources created by and about UU's of Color. These books are available not only to Meadville Lombard students, but to the larger UU community as well. For information about borrowing from the library as a community member, click here. This list of print resources is not meant to be exhaustive. 

Selected Print Material

Ask an Archivist

If you have any questions about the Meadville Lombard Archives and Special Collections, just ask!

We can help with...

  • Scheduling an archive visit
  • Accessing archival materials
  • Using our digital archive tools
  • Answering reference questions
  • Scanning selections of documents
  • Donating archival material to Meadville Lombard
  • Creating archives at your local congregation

Ask a Librarian

If you have any questions about the Meadville Lombard Library, just ask!

We can help with...

  • Checking out books
  • Finding articles
  • Requesting interlibrary loans
  • Using digital resources
  • Answering research and reference questions
  • Citing your work

Meadville Lombard Wiggin Library
180 N. Wabash Ave.
Suite 625 
Chicago, IL 60601

Library and Archives Phone: 312-546-6488        Library Email:        Archives Email: