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Cuentos Special Collection: Home


Cuentos Latinx UU Special CollectionBienvenidos!

Welcome to the Cuentos Special Collection. Its purpose is to collect, preserve, and document the depth and breadth of the history of encounters between Unitarianism, Universalism, and Unitarian Universalism and Latinx individuals and communities in the United States. This is an evolving historical narrative that continues to this day. 

Unitarian Universalist congregations have stepped up, spoke up, marched, and joined Latinx peoples on social justice issues. Some congregations have made space within their communities and worship services to welcome Latinxs. The stories of these congregations and the reflections of the individuals involved belong here, as do more tangible items such as photographs, posters, buttons, and papers.

For decades Latinxs seeking communities of shared values have visited UU congregations and stayed. Latinx ministers, religious educators, musicians, and other leaders—professional and lay—are a part of the story of Unitarian Universalism, yet for the most part the larger UU community knows very little about them. Their stories and reflections have a home here.

Using the Cuentos Special Collection

Cuentos is a new and growing Special Collection. Currently, our only collection is the Jose Ballester LUUNA Records and it is open to researchers. If you are interesting it access it, email us at

If you have archival material you feel belongs in the Cuentos Special Collection, click the Donating Archive Material tab above. 

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Steering Committee

The Cuentos Special Collection shares a steering committee with its sibling collection, Sankofa. The steering committee contact for Cuentos is Rev. Katie Romano Griffin. To contact her, email Katie Romano Griffin here.

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180 N. Wabash Ave.
Suite 625 
Chicago, IL 60601

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