There is no history of Unitarians, Universalists, and Unitarian Universalists in the United States without the congregations that nurtured and grew them. This guide is a joint venture between the MidAmerica Region History and Heritage Committee and the Meadville Lombard Archives and Special Collections. We hope this guide will lift up and make easily accessible the online histories of all UU congregations. While not exhaustive and not the entire story of our movement, these histories are a useful resource to ground UU history in the life of the congregations in which it is lived.
Organized by region, state, and city, this guide consists of links to congregational histories created by individual congregations and posted on their websites. This guide is ongoing project. Currently, we are working on the MidAmerica Region with other regions to be added in the future. For current membership size and other information, use the UUA Directory. To inquire about historical congregational data, click here.
New England Region (coming soon)
Central East Region (coming soon)
Southern Region (coming soon)
Pacific Western Region (coming soon)
The MidAmerica History and Heritage Committee promotes gathers, preserves, and propagates the Unitarian Universalist history of our Region to attract new members and deepen pride and commitment among existing ones. We aspire to develop a network of people with an interest in UU history and encourage congregations to post their histories on the Web, to research the UU past in their localities, and to present UU history in a variety of media.
For more information, click here.
At Meadville Lombard, archiving is a form of justice making work. From preservation to digitization, we work to make the richness and diversity of Unitarian Universalism's history freely and easily available to anyone who seeks it. We have been collecting history for over 175 years and hold material from students and scholars, laity and ministers, and congregations and organizations around the world. As the only exclusively UU archive, we take seriously the trust our community has placed in us to preserve our shared history.
Meadville Lombard Wiggin Library
180 N. Wabash Ave.
Suite 625
Chicago, IL 60601
Library and Archives Phone: 312-546-6488 Library Email: Archives Email: