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Humanist Resources: Publishers and Publications


For more than 50 years, American Atheist magazine has been a leading voice for atheism in the marketplace of ideas. With content from a wide range of contributors including American Atheists staff, bloggers, authors, scientists, and activists, American Atheist is a valuable resource for atheists throughout the nation.

Free Inquiry is a magazine published by the Center for Inquiry. The Center for Inquiry strives to foster a secular society based on reason, science, freedom of inquiry, and humanist values. The Center for Inquiry (CFI) is a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization dedicated to defending science and critical thinking in examining religion. CFI’s vision is a world in which evidence, science, and compassion—rather than superstition, pseudoscience, or prejudice—guide public policy. is the online publication of the American Humanist Association, providing daily news, opinion, and information. It applies humanism—a rational philosophy without theism or other supernatural beliefs that is informed by science, guided by reason, inspired by art, and motivated by compassion—to commentary on politics, science, technology, art, and culture. It also highlights the activities of humanists, including the programs and achievements of the AHA. It seeks to provide a wide range of material that strives for ethical cohesion while also exploring where humanists diverge—not to further divide but to air, discuss, elucidate, and continually refine humanism.

Humanist Perspectives seeks to promote the idea that human problems can best be solved by human beings, by relying on our intellectual, moral and social capabilities, free from notions of supernatural purpose or design, and affirming that human life has meaning in its own terms. We publish articles, poems, artworks and stories that reflect the ideas of modern humanism: the belief that the only world we have is the natural world. We examine social issues from a rational, ethical perspective, and we celebrate human freedom and achievement.

Humanistic Judaism Magazine provides a voice for those who value Jewish meaning independent of supernatural authority. Each issue features topics of interest or concern, news from SHJ affiliated communities, articles, and book reviews or excerpts about Jewish ritual, culture, history, and meaning — from a uniquely Secular Humanistic Judaism perspective.

The New Humanist is a quarterly magazine of culture and science, published since 1885. New Humanist is for anyone who wants to understand the ideas, conflicts and systems shaping our world - climate, capitalism, technology, fundamentalism, struggles for equality and more. The New Humanist is published by the Rationalist Association, a registered charity promoting rational inquiry and debate based on evidence rather than belief.

Academic Journals

Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism publishes articles about aspects and applications of humanism, in the broad sense of ‘philosophical’ as a search for self-understanding, life wisdom, and improving the human condition. EPH welcomes historical, interdisciplinary, and intercultural research, including non-western perspectives. EPH especially seeks explorations into humanism’s progressive philosophy of life that, without theism and other supernatural beliefs, affirms the ability and responsibility to lead ethical lives of personal fulfillment that aspire to the greater good of humanity.

The UU Humanist Association journal is called Religious Humanism and is published twice a year. The journal is the primary vehicle for encouraging scholarship related to Humanism and, particularly, for Humanism as it relates to religious community such as that found in Unitarian Universalist congregations.

Secularism and Nonreligion is an interdisciplinary journal published with the aim of advancing research on various aspects of 'the secular.' The journal is interested in contributions from primarily social scientific disciplines, including: psychology, sociology, political science, women's studies, economics, geography, demography, anthropology, public health, and religious studies. Contributions from history, neuroscience, computer science, biology, philosophy, and medicine will also be considered. Articles published in the journal focus on the secular at one of three levels: the micro or individual level, the meso or institutional level, or the macro or national and international levels. Articles explore all aspects of what it means to be secular at any of the above levels, what the lives of nonreligious individuals are like, and the interactions between secularity and other aspects of the world. Articles also explore the ideology and philosophy of the secular or secularism.

Secular Studies publishes original research on secularity, both historical and contemporary, and secular issues and agendas from multi-disciplinary and international perspectives. Historical, literary, cultural, political, anthropological, sociological, psychological, and philosophical studies of secular thought and living are sought, along with research on nonreligion, atheism, agnosticism, humanism, and naturalism. Also welcome are comparative, intersectional, and cross-cultural studies of secularity and secular people, investigations into types of secularism and patterns to secularization, and explorations of church-state relations around the world.

The Human Prospect is a peer-reviewed, indexed journal focused on the development and refinement of humanist values and ethics, as well as ways the humanist movement can foster them throughout society. It also covers new scientific evidence, theories, and conclusions, as well as their impact upon and relationship to society, values, and ethics.

For Meadville Lombard and Humanist Studies Program students, they have access to article databases that contains thousands of academic journals, many of which contain articles about humanism, atheism, free-thinker movements, and secularism. 


Humanist Press is the publishing house of the American Humanist Association, providing material for the nonreligious market since 1995. The Press was relaunched in 2012 to provide ebooks, as well as print books, on humanist themes to the freethought community

Infidel Books is dedicated to quality non-fiction on atheist, humanist, social justice and gender justice themes.

Oxford University Press (OUP) is the world's leading university press with the widest global presence. Their academic publishing program serves scholars, teachers and researchers, publishing important and rigorous research and scholarship across subject areas stretching from History to Life Sciences to Economics. While not an explicitly humanist press, they have published many foundational humanist monographs and reference works. 

Pitchstone’s mission is to publish noteworthy books that promote secular principles, scientific literacy, humanist ideals, and liberal ethics — or, put another way, those Enlightenment values that stand against superstition, intolerance, and bigotry. Pitchstone recognizes that there is much about the world that we still do not understand, that people can have honest differences of opinion about important issues, and that no one person, book, or even approach will have a monopoly on the truth. 

Book Series

The Secular Studies series is meant to provide a home for works emerging from the increase in scholarly interest in secular studies. Rooted in a social science perspective, it will explore and illuminate various aspects of secular life, ranging from how and why formerly religious people give up their religions to how secular people conceptualize their identities.

Although numerous scholars and activists have written academic and popular texts meant to unpack and advocate for humanism and atheism as life orientations, what is needed at this point is clear and consistent attention to the various dimensions of humanist and atheists thought and practice.  This is the type of focused agenda that Studies in Humanism and Atheism book series makes possible.  Committed to discussions that include but extend well beyond the United States, books in the series—meant for specialists and a general readership—offer new approaches to and innovative discussions of humanism and atheism that take into consideration the socio-cultural, political, economic, and religious dynamics informing life in the twenty-first century.  

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Humanist Special Collection

This guide was created as part of the Humanist Special Collection at the Meadville Lombard Library and Archives. The Humanist Special Collection houses archival materials that document the growth and impact of humanism within both Unitarian Universalism and the larger world. The Humanist Special Collection contains personal papers from notable humanists, the records of humanist organizations and congregations, and collections centered around specific themes and events tied to humanism.

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