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Unitarian, Universalist, and Unitarian Universalist Resources: UU Alphabet Soup

The Unitarian Universalist theologian James Luther Adams (JLA) famously reworked the words of Jesus, changing "By their fruits you shall know them" to "By their groups shall you know them." Unitarian Universalism has a long history of small and large local, regional, national, and international organizations. This rich tradition of voluntary associations coupled with a propensity towards initialism and acronyms often creates an alphabet soup that is a barrier to researchers. This page is a non-exhaustive list of community UU organizations and their initials/acronyms. 

This is a growing list and please help us grow it by telling us what we missed.  You can email us at

The UUA also maintains a list of Related and Associate Member Organizations. 

A-Z List

ARE: Allies for Racial Equity

AUUA: Association of UU Administrators

AUUMM: Association for Unitarian Universalist Music Ministries

BLUU: Black Lives of Unitarian Universalists

CALM: Chicago Area Liberal Ministers 

CAUUC: Chicago Area UU Council

CUUPS: Covenant of UU Pagans

DRUUMM: Diverse Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries

EqUUal Access: UU Disability Justice Group

GA: UU General Assembly

ICUU: International Council of Unitarian Universalists

LREDA: Liberal Religious Educators Association

LUUNA: Latina/o UU Networking Association

MLTS: Meadville Lombard Theological School 

MFC: Ministerial Fellowship Committee

MFN: Ministerial Formation Network

NYSCU: New York State Convention of Universalists

OWL: Our Whole Lives (Sexual Health Education Curriculum done through a partnership with UU-UCC).

PTE: Panel on Theological Education 

SKSM: Starr King School for the Ministry

TRUUST- Transgender Religious Professional Unitarian Universalists Together

UU GMN: Unitarian Universalist Small Group Ministry Network 

UUA: Unitarian Universalist Association  

UUAMP: Unitarian Universalist Association of Membership Professionals

UUHA: UU Humanist Association 

UUMA: Unitarian Universalists Ministers Association  

UUSC. UU Service Committee  

UUSCM: Unitarian Universalist Society for Community Ministries 

UUSN: UU Studies Network 

UUTRM – UU Trauma Response Ministry

UUWF: UU Women’s Federation 

UUWR: UU Women and Religion 

AUA: American Unitarian Association 

UCA: Universalist Church of America

WUC: Western Unitarian Conference

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