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Using Google Scholar

Full-text Available

A resource is available via Google Schoalr in full-text if you see "PDF", "HTML" or "DOC" before a URL to the right of the record information:

PDF link for a result from Google Scholar search that is available online in full-text

Interlibrary Loan

If you need access to a resource in Google Scholar that is not available online in full-text, you can request it through interlibrary loan. Email a librarian to make an interlibrary loan request. Note that interlibrary loan for physical books is only available to students who are able to pick up and return books in person. If this isn’t an option for you, Meadville Lombard is also a member of several library organizations that provide borrowing privileges at seminary libraries in the Midwest and around the country, and we can help you find the book locally. Articles requested via interlibrary loan will be emailed as a PDF file.

When placing an interlibrary loan request, provide as many bibliographic details about the resource that you know to make it easier for the library to locate:

Books: title, author, publisher, date of publication, edition, ISBN

Articles: article title, author, journal title, volume and issue number, date of publication, page numbers

Using "My Library"

Selecting the star icon beneath an item's result listing will save to "My Library" if you are signed in to an email account:

Article saved to "My Library" by selecting the star icon

Access the records you save by selecting "My Library" from the upper right corner of Google Scholar:

Link to access "My library" in upper right menu in Google Scholar

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180 N. Wabash Ave.
Suite 625 
Chicago, IL 60601

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