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Anti-Racism Resources: Anti-Racism in Unitarian Universalism

Anti-Racism in Unitarian Universalism

As a progressive and diverse—if historically predominantly white—religious movement, Unitarian Universalists have both struggled against racism in the outside world but also at times struggled with racism within their own ranks.  This has most especially been true in regards to America's Black community.  Unitarians, Universalists, and Unitarian Universalists have been active in the abolition, Civil Rights, and Black Lives Matter movements; Unitarian Universalists Viola Liuzzo and Rev. James Reeb were even martyred at Selma in 1965.  Yet, as exemplified by the discrimination the Rev. Ethelred Brown endured by the directors of the American Unitarian Association, the Black Empowerment Controversy, and even Meadville Theological School's complex history of integration, Black Unitarian Universalists have often had to work hard to find a place and make their voices heard within the Unitarian Universalism community.

As a Unitarian Universalist school, Meadville Lombard Theological School offers courses and programslike LIGHT and the Fahs Collaborativedesigned to educate against racism.  This LibGuide, meant for both members of the Meadville Lombard community and the broader public, is an assembly of resources meant to help all interested persons educate, advocate, and organize against racism.

Some Recommended Books by and about Black Unitarian Universalists at Wiggin Library

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